Catch is an innovative format game for people deprived of the ability to see and hear. This game is a kind of tag, where you are blindfolded and your ears are closed, and you need to find your enemy and catch him!
The essence of the game is that it can be played without sounds and pictures, and the reference point is the vibration signals of your phone.

Touching the screen of your device, you get a vibration of such force that indicates how close your victim is to you. According to such landmarks, applying a strategy, you will need to catch him!
Catch has 7 difficulty levels, which can be selected by swiping up the screen twice to go to a more difficult level and down twice to play at a less difficult level.

Moreover, this game has 5 vibration levels: you need to swipe your finger twice on the screen to the left to reduce the vibration force and twice to the right to increase it.
Also, if you want to reset the current difficulty and vibration strength settings, tap the screen with three fingers.
Among other things, Catch is a free game with no in-app purchases. Also, this game does not contain ads.