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5 Best Bra Sizing Calculator Apps for Android & iOS

Bras are an integral part of every girl’s life. It is important to carefully and accurately select the right size for their parameters, as it has an undeniable impact on health.

It can be difficult to measure yourself, especially with the use of a measuring tape. Yet, there are few other ways, and in these situations, there is rarely a person around to help do it.

However, we always have a faithful helper with us – our phone, for which a variety of tools have been created. Measuring your underwear size is no exception.

So, we advise you to use these best bra sizing calculator apps for Android & iOS. Thanks to them, you will be sure that nothing will interfere with your personal comfort.

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Bra Size Calculator by Simple Apps Design Limited

The Bra Size Calculator is an app that measures your breasts in diameter. The size will be determined in inches and that is just fine because it is easy to find the one for you.

This is the kind of program that will calculate the exact size, because in reality, using a tape measure, the result is obviously not accurate. It will measure the parameters of the straps and the cups themselves.

You must have faced the problem of choosing a bra? You need your exact size to solve this problem. Then this program is definitely for you. When you don’t know your exact information, you can hurt your breasts.

In general, the wrong bra can be detrimental to your health. Choosing should be based on how you feel in the first place. If you are not comfortable, then it’s just not your size or model. What’s more, you’ll be able to take tests that will add information and indicate how best to know your size.

The app recommends checking your breasts every 3 or 6 months to make sure they always fit properly. You need to measure accurately. Besides, you can record the result. Measure your breasts and wear the bra size. Don’t forget to buy new ones.


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An app for determining the exact size of a bra. It works based on artificial intelligence. The fit is guaranteed to be perfect. You can not try on lingerie and still guess with the size.

The assortment is wide and makes up an entire catalog. Breast size changes during life and during the cycle.

The app takes this into account. Extra consultations are possible.

The app will need some numerical data for the calculation. The information is not shared with third parties. It is intuitively easy to use. It will turn out that it’s not the shape of the cup that didn’t fit, but the dimensions were not chosen correctly.

It is convenient to use the app before the purchase, so as not to commit rash actions. After installing the tool, the closet will be updated with new bras.


Bra Size calculator by Dang Phan

This is a special app that calculates your exact bra size.

Would you like to know exactly your parameters and tell them to the consultants in the stores and not suffer? Do you want to wear your bra size right and be comfortable? This program will do it perfectly!

To accurately calculate the size of the bra you need to bring out all your parameters, namely the length of the strap and the volume of the cups.

You can finally relax and forget about the tape measure because it’s already past age. Technology has moved on. Each person has a different size and structure of the chest, so the underwear should be chosen individually.

All instructions on how to use them are included. Moreover, you can choose in what parameters to measure your breasts. There is a special formula by which such a smart calculator determines the size. Install this program and share it with your friends.


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Bra Size Calculator by Atharva Studio Inc.

The app is created to calculate bra size. Actions are performed online or offline. It is not only the size of the cup that matters, but also the size of the strap.

Incorrect selection of lingerie threatens to worsen health. That is why it is so important to choose a bra responsibly.

It is recommended to recheck the values every quarter. The straps should be of optimal length.

The cups encircle the breasts both at the front and at the side. Lingerie should be chosen individually. It is the ideal size that will ensure comfort. A cup-fitting test is also available. To analyze it, you need to specify some dimensions.

Measurement data is stored only in the user’s profile. Using the app is not difficult, but necessary for your health.


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Calculator size bra by JuanjoAppsGames

An app for determining your ideal bra size. It is important not only for beauty and comfort, but also for health.

Using the app is intuitively easy. You just need to enter some data, which will remain only in the user’s access.

The app will help you find the ideal cup shape, clasp size, strapline length and size in general. It works like a calculator.

All results can be saved and used as a guide when shopping. This saves money and time. Nice design will ensure comfortable use. It is possible to share the analysis result with your mother or friend.

The app can also be used to select a sports top. It is recommended to re-check the size every four months, because a woman’s body is constantly changing.


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